Our work is made possible by your generosity. Your contributions make it possible for us to provide birthing people with doula, early parenting and pregnancy services.
Your support of Global Perinatal Service’s work will greatly affect the birthing people we serve by:
Restoring birth rights back to the birthing person
Increasing positive birth experience for the birthing person
Helping foster healthy relationship between patients and providers
Healthy outcome for the birthing person(s) and babies
Decrease interventions and cesarean section rates
Your contribution is tax-deductible, our EIN is 84-3421673.”
You may donate by credit or debit card, or check by mailing it directly to us. For other donation options, please email us at info@globalperinatal.org
Donate by check, please make check payable to:
Global Perinatal Services
15203 8th Ave S Burien, WA 98148
No amount is too small or big!