The Birth Doula Program (short term) currently serves Immigrant, Refugee or African American/Black (non-immigrant or refugee) communities. 

Required Criteria (must meet these requirements):

  • 29 weeks or 7 months of pregnancy or more

  • Medicaid, WIC, Public Health Nursing (PHN) or DSHS benefits recipient

  • King County or Peirce County Resident

  • Immigrant or Refugee or African American/Black (non-immigrant or refugee)

  • Willing to commit to be in the program from about the third trimester till two months postpartum

Additional Criteria (does not have to meet all):

  • High-risk pregnancy

  • Domestic Violence victims

  • Limited to No additional family support

  • Attempting to have a Vaginal birth after cesarean

What language(s) are available?

  • Somali

  • Amharic

  • Tigrinya

  • Arabic

  • Oromo

  • Spanish

  • Dari

  • Farsi

  • Pashto

  • English

How are Birth Doulas matched?
Pregnant individuals will be matched based on language, religious, ethnic and/or personal preferences.

How long are services for the Birth Doula program?
Birth Doulas will provide a total 7 visits. This includes 2 Prenatal visits, 1 Labor & Birth support visit, 2 Postpartum visits and 2 Internal GPS Visits (Childbirth Education Class and Lactation Support).

 Where will visits take place?

GPS Birth doulas are providing prenatal and postnatal visits virtually (call or video sharing) until further notice due to COVID-19. However, Birth Doulas will be with you in person for Labor & Birth support.

 How much does it cost?
All doula services are free of charge to those who meet the required criteria. Medicaid information (ex. Provider One # and/or Member ID #) will be collected but GPS will NOT bill or charge your insurance.

 If you are able to make a donation to support our GPS, we would greatly appreciate it!

To request a Doula or inquire about our Birth Doula Program:

The Community-Based Doula program (long term) currently serves the Somali Community.

 Required Criteria (must meet these requirements):

  • 28 weeks or 6 months of pregnancy or less

  • Medicaid, WIC, Public Health Nursing (PHN) or DSHS benefits recipient

  • King County Resident

  • Somali

  • Willing to commit to be in the program for up to a year after the birth with monthly communication with doula

 Additional Criteria (does not have to meet all):

  • High-risk pregnancy

  • Domestic Violence victims

  • Limited to No additional family support

  • Attempting to have a Vaginal birth after cesarean

What language(s) are available?

Our two Community-Based Doulas currently serves the Somali speaking community.

 Where will visits take place?

GPS Birth doulas are providing prenatal and postnatal visits virtually (call or video sharing) until further notice due to COVID-19. However, Community-Based Doulas will be with you in person for Labor & Birth support.

 How long are services for the Community-Based Doulas program?
Community-Based Doulas will provide a 2 monthly visits with the client up until a year of birth.

 How much does it cost?
All doula services are free of charge to those who meet the required criteria. Medicaid information (ex. Provider One # and/or Member ID #) will be collected but GPS will NOT bill or charge your insurance.

 If you are able to make a donation to support our GPS, we would greatly appreciate it!

 To request a Doula or inquire about our Community- Based Doula Program: